[-- htmlex 0.4.4 release --]
- Fixed a bug when define macros inside functions.
[-- htmlex 0.4.3 release --]
- Corrected the -a argument explanation.
- Fixed an error in functional macros when you called them with
arguments that had <!include>.
[-- htmlex 0.4.2 release --]
- Added -E option to change the default .html extension used by -c.
- Arguments processing was changed, I recommend you see the
"EXECUTION" section in "readme.txt".
- Fixed a couple of bugs in dependencies generation and functional
- New default behavior for comments: Now are preserved, and a new
parameter (-k) was added to "kill" them.
- Optimized dependencies generation: Because from now tags inside
false <!if...> expressions, aren't processed.
[-- htmlex 0.4 release --]
- New htmlex-filter.pl script to "clean" the htmlex output.
- New "<!function name {args}>body<!end>" tag. To make macros
like C/C++.
- Fixed the quoted arguments behavior (now accepts \n \t \" etc.).
- Fixed some minor bugs.
[-- htmlex 0.3.2 release --]
- Some notes about macros in readme.txt.
- Fixed the <!elif...> tag and the general <!if> behavior.
- Fixed a free memory error.
- Added verbose mode.
[-- htmlex 0.3.1 release --]
By Robert J Ohannessian:
- Text file `readme.txt' is in more understandable English.
- <!file-size> presents the size of file in an improved way.
- The program compiles in MinGW without problems.
[-- htmlex 0.3 release --]
- Completed the english documentation.
- Fixed various bugs.
- The <!file-size> tag generates dependencies.
- New <!dep> tag.
[-- htmlex 0.2 pre-release --]
- More facilities for the <!if> comparations.
- New operation for various tags, for more information see `readme.txt'.
- New tags names:
<!uc>, <!ucfirst> -> <!toupper>
<!lc>, <!lcfirst> -> <!tolower>
<!htmlex-version> -> <!version>
<!include-path file> and <!exists> -> <!find file>
- New C code, and an executable program.
- Eliminated the GNU format.
[-- htmlex 0.1.3 beta --]
[-- htmlex 0.1.2 beta --]
- New tag <!clean>.
- Enhanced the htmlex-site utility.
- New tag <!exists> to know if a file exist or not.
- Improve the process speed.
- <!htmlex-version> to print the htmlex version.
- A poor (and bad) english documentation.
- Optimized htmlex-site to create the "skeleton" of a new site.
[-- htmlex 0.1.1 beta --]
- Tags `<!if...>' to control conditional-blocks:
Support (theoretical) infinites nestles.
[-- htmlex 0.1.0 pre-alpha --]
- The conventional HTML files (.html) are fully compatible with the
format used by htmlex (.htex).
- Extra tags with similar format to the HTML.
- Tag `<!macro...>' to create macros which will be replaces with theirs
values when will find the exact name of itself.
- Tag `<!include...>' to include a complete file within other.
- Dependencies generation since <!include ...> tag, fully compatible with
the Makefiles.
- Support for pass arguments to the main input file, and all the files
included in itself.
- Tag `<!exec...>' to execute extern programs and put its output in the
result file.
- Functions for control text:
<!dir word>
<!notdir word>
<!suffix word>
<!basename word>
(All with the same functionality which in the Makefiles).
<!chop word>
<!shift word>
<!lc word>
<!lcfirst word>
<!uc word>
<!ucfirst word>
(All with the same functionality which in Perl).